Monday, August 16, 2010

Opening Thoughts

Okay, so you have your text for Lucretius. As you will see to the right of this page, there is a link to the online Latin dictionary, so that should be of some help. There are various translations of Lucretius around. If you find something good, post it here.

Pace yourselves so that you are finished with the text I gave you in the next two to three weeks. Along the way, feel free to post questions here, and I will respond.

As you translate, please post any discussions that you have together. I would love to know what you think of Lucretius and/or his poetry and/or his subject matter as you translate.

There are two standing questions I want to post at the outset. Please respond to these along the way. You may not be able to answer them right away, and you may need to answer them more than once as you work your way through the material.

1. How does what Lucretius says fit with the law of conservation of matter? Discuss the law of matter conservation, how it came to be, etc.

2. What kind of reasoning does Lucretius use? What examples can you find of his reasoning from a part to a whole? How effective is this kind of reasoning? Where else do you see this kind of reasoning used?

One last together to post here a little background on Lucretius. Who was he? Where was he from? What do we know of his life, his poetry, his philosophy? Put something together in summary. You can use the Internet, but give links to anything you use.


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