Friday, September 3, 2010

De Rerum Natura

I thought it was very interesting the way he described and used many examples to describe what you cannot see with the naked eye. The fact that he was accurately able to understand some of the basic principles of atoms is amazing especially without any experiments or technology.This piece was very challenging becuase everything was so abstract. There were many pronouns and a lot adjectives and particples. It was hard to find what they modified.
Compared to the Aeneid, they both used comparisons that are found in nature and that anyone would be able to understand. However Virgil used mostly concrete diction that created a picture in the minds eye while Carus used abstract diction and that pushed your mind to be open in order to explore what he was talking about. Virgil used alot of figurative language as well as many constructions and phrases. This was due to the need to create a time line for the story. Since there was no real time line to De Rerum Natura, it was difficult to see where Carus was going with what he was saying. This made it especially difficult to translate.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie,

    Good comments! You write,

    "However Virgil used mostly concrete diction that created a picture in the minds eye while Carus used abstract diction and that pushed your mind to be open in order to explore what he was talking about. Virgil used alot of figurative language as well as many constructions and phrases."

    Can you elaborate with some specific citations from Vergil? You may need to look up some things from last year.
